About the Artist
I started Art For The Young at Heart after a happy accident where wine met crafting.
During the Christmas of 2014, my friends and I got together, enjoyed drinking wine, and painted our dogs on ornaments. After I posted pictures on Facebook I found myself painting all of my friends’ dogs on ornaments too! I decided that my calling was a Christmas ornament business so naturally, I left my secure government job to follow my dream. I began Christmas ornament production and selling in gift stores across the country. I am inspired by all things adventure, wildlife, and national parks. I love using my artistic talents to create unique gifts that you will hang year after year on your tree, reminding you of your adventures. I run the business with the support of my husband Mike, children Charleigh and Wilder, Office Manager Rae, and of course my dog, Bailey. I continue to ignite my creativity by traveling with my family and sharing experiences with my young children. I hope that my story will inspire you to follow your own dreams and seize every moment. Every moment is a precious gift.
Kathryn Yoder
Our Services
Custom Hand-Painted Christmas Ornaments
A Meaningful Gift
At Art for the Young at Heart, we know finding the perfect gift isn’t always easy. Your loved one is sure to appreciate a hand-painted ornament customized with their pet, child, house, or favorite place. Ornaments make the perfect memorial for a deceased pet and will bring joy every year when pulled out to adorn the tree (or all year round on the mantle!).